
The objective of the Blue Generation Project is to inspire and engage young people between 15 and 29 years to pursue a sustainable career in one of the following Blue Economy sectors: coastal tourism, aquaculture, ocean energy, marine biotechnology, shipbuilding, maritime transport, and fisheries. At the heart of the project lies the Blue Generation Program (BGP). The BGP is an integrated outreach action organized and implemented by the project with the aim to "attract, engage and convert" young people to the vast opportunities of the Blue Economy job market. The Blue Generation Program offers well-documented information about blue career prospects in Greece, Spain, Portugal, Bulgaria, Poland andRomania, mentoring programs for those among the young who wish to actively pursue a career in Blue Economy, including skills validation tools to better cope with the needed qualifications, as well as mobility exchanges through study visits for gaining first-hand experience in various Blue economy sectors. To succeed in this, the Blue Generation Project brings together experts from the Blue Economy and Youth organizations to share knowledge about skills needs, career paths, open job positions and existing training.

The Blue Generation Program will be repeated in five cycles throughout the years 2018 to 2023, each lasting from January to October, followed by an evaluation and improvement process. In the first year the Blue Career Job Platform will be developed, offering free of charge information on blue job positions as well as training opportunities across EU countries. Through the BGP, it is envisaged to reach up to 39,000 young people through promotional activities and convert at least 3,000 to employment or training in the Blue Economy. 

The Blue Generation Project is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment. The project is coordinated by Militos Consulting SA in Greece and Sea Teach in Spain, and is implemented by an international consortium in Bulgaria, Greece, Poland, Portugal, Romania, and Spain with support from Blue Economy Experts from Belgium andGermany.

See the full Blue Generation project partners profiles in the menu Partnership.

The challenge

The European Blue Economy, currently representing around 5.4 million jobs, is set to double its employment by 2030. Its problem is that young people are not being attracted to maritime careers, while businesses cannot find the required workforce, skills, and profiles (European Commission SWD, 2017).

At the same time, the EU has up to 14 million young people between 15 and 29 years who are NEETs (Not in Education Employment or Training) and millions more who are at risk of becoming NEETs due to early school dropout, difficulties in entering the labor market, or other personal problems. The Blue Generation Project is set to fill this gap by re-introducing Blue Economy careers as an attractive, modern, and prosperous professional pathway and way out of unemployment for the young. 

We look into the following results

  • Improved employment situation for young people and especially NEETs
  • Increased participation in education and training of former NEETs
  • Provision of innovative approaches on lowering youth unemployment 
  • Increased transnational cooperation on labor market issues

See more under activities.

The Blue Generation Project main activities

  • Training youth workers with a Blue Career MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses platform) to become knowledgeable promoters and mentors.
  • Organizing info-days and activities in high schools, adult education centers, NGOs, unemployment services and local associations to promote Blue Career opportunities.
  • Guiding young people through skills validation, personal mentoring and short exchanges to suitable employment and training in Blue Economy job sectors.
  • Offering, at no charge, a Blue Career Guide, a Blue Economy Career Platform, short training courses that will lead to direct employment in an entry position.
  • Developing virtual reality videos, giving youth the chance to experience how is to work at different careers in the blue economy.
  • Hosting live webinars offering job orientation sessions with various quests, professionals, academics, and students in one of the sectors of the blue economy.

Target Groups: Who will benefit?

  • The first target group of the project are young people from 15 to 19 who are NEETs or at risk of becoming NEETs after finishing their current education - approached via high schools, VET centers and youth centers.
  • The second target group are NEETs from 15 to 29 who are currently registered as unemployed - approached via public and private unemployment centers, adult education centers, NGOs, and associations.
  • The last target group are young people from 20 to 29 at risk of becoming NEETs after finishing current education and Hard-to-reach NEETs, inactive youth living with parents, young mothers and young people with drug or alcohol abuse - approached via VET centers, Adult education centers, NGOs and associations.

If you belong to one of those target groups and would like to get involved in the project activities, follow Blue Generation project to receive our news and contact us!