What is the Blue Economy? What are the jobs and the prospects related with it? What skills do i need for each job? You can find the answers and much more in the BlueGeneration MOOC platform.
The BlueGeneration MOOC platform aims to inform youth & future promoters about the job and training opportunities that exist for young people in the 7 different sub-sectors of Blue Economy in Europe.
What will you learn about each subsector?
- Facts & recent data
- Specialties, Roles & Working conditions
- Job opportunities in different countries
- Training & Education required
- Regulatory environment in Europe
For whom
This course is geared towards:
- Youth who want to develop their career path and find job and training prospects in 7 subsectors of the Blue Economy in Europe
- Mentors who want to promote to young people the opportunities in the Blue Economy
The BlueGeneration MOOC platform consists of 10 independent modules. Each module includes an introductory text, a short video by an expert in the specific subsector, the video with the core training material, further information & resources, and a final quiz per subsector.
The modules are:
- Module 0: What is the course about and how is it built
- Module 1: Intro and Blue economy
- Module 2: Coastal Tourism
- Module 3: Aquaculture
- Module 4: Ocean energy
- Module 5: Marine Biotech
- Module 6: Shipbuilding
- Module 7: Maritime Transport
- Module 8: Fishing
- Module 9: Presentation, promotion skills to different TGs
- Module 10: Final Quiz
The total duration is approximately 3 hours. The modules are independent and you can complete them in any order according to your personal interests.
You can start learning here: BlueGeneration MOOC Platform
The Blue Career MOOC Platform, is the second Output of the Blue Generation Project (funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment) and is the outcome of the close collaboration of all partners and experts at each sector of Blue Economy. All the introductory videos per module are available in the five Beneficiary partner languages plus English.
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