“BlueGeneration is looking to the future and it is important that it's linked to other initiatives implemented at European Union level, e.g. Blue Invest that boost innovation and investment in sustainable technologies for the blue economy» said Andreea Strachinescu, Head of Unit, European Commission DG MARE.
“Youth need not only a stable job with a good income, but they also want #purpose. So, we should #not be asking “what can the ocean do for me” but “#what_can_I_do_for_the_ocean” mentioned Nora Mehsen, Sector Officer and Programme Manager, Transnational Cooperation, Equality, Justice and Decent Work, Financial Mechanism Office.
The #BlueGeneration_Federation was announced by Silja Teege, Managing Director at Sea Teach, and all participants confirmed their intention to participate in order to ensure sustainability of the BlueGeneration expanding footprint and continuing the effort to connect young people with the Blue Economy.
The 2nd Blue Generation #International_Conference “Future-proofing the Blue Economy” was organized by EBI in Brussels on July 5th and connected the #Blue_Sectors with #youth Blue economy experts, and representatives from NGO's, governmental and public institutions related with employment, delivered inspiring speeches and our #youth shared their experience on how BlueGeneration helped them to find a #career_path in Blue Economy.
Thank you to the distinguished speakers (in alphabetical order) Teresa Catumba - Innovation Technician at B2E Blue Bioeconomy Colab, Stavros Kalognomos - Executive Secretary CPMR Balkans and Black Sea Commission BBSC, Jorge Costa - Adjunct Professor, ISEC Lisboa & Coordinator of the degree in Renewable Energies and Environment, Nora Mehsen- Sector Officer and Programme Manager, Transnational Cooperation, Equality, Justice and Decent Work at Financial Mechanism Office, Andreea Strachinescu -Head of Unit, European Commission DG MARE), Pedro Suasi- Cluster Manager at Balearic Marine Cluster and project partners and participants who made this exciting event possible.
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