Clear message on pursuing a sustainable career in the Blue Economy for #youth (15-29 y.o) at the launch event of the BlueGeneration Project(Brussels, 30 Nov.).
Kyriakos Lingas, Senior Manager at Militos Consulting S.A., the leader partner of the BlueGeneration Project and the project initiator, Silja Teege, from Sea Teach presented the project rationale, objectives, goals, partnership and implementation phases setting the mode for a dynamic project with expected high impact results.
Representatives of the Mission of Norway to the EU, the European Commission and the EU Parliament, the fund operator of the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment (ECORYS in Poland) actively participated at the event, providing valuable information on #BlueEconomysector and #youth Employment.
#coastal_tourism, #aquaculture, #ocean_energy, #marine_biotechnology, #maritime_transport #shipbuilding and #fisheries
BlueGeneration Project is implemented by 11 partners, from 9 countries i.e. Greece, Bulgaria, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Norway, Iceland, Belgium, and Germany and is, funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants for Youth Employment.
Active Bulgarian Society Clube Intercultural Europeu Sea Teach ContextosFundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego
#Norwea #Sea_Europe #Iceland_Aquaculture #European_Boating_Industry
The Event was successfully organized by Sea Europe.
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